05 Jul

On Friday 30th June until Sunday 2nd July 2023, a group of artist friends:  Emma-Jayne Holmes BA,MA., Rachel Ricketts RBSA, Dr. June Forster, Wayne Summers MA, and myself hung an exhibition of paintings and sculpture every work inspired by the poet Charles Causley, CBE, FRSL., in Southgate Arch, Launceston. 

Friday evening at the Town Hall, the Causley Trust  commissioned  painting  'Where Stone Runs Like Honey' inspired directly by the esteemed poet Anthony Vahni Capildeo's  poem Launceston Castle was included as part of the opening ceremony which was launched by the new Lady Mayor of Launceston, Councillor Helen Bailey. Also taking part were Arlo Anwin ( musician), Anthony Vahni Capildeo (poet), Patrick Gayle (novelist),  Dr. David Devanny (poet), Rachel Piercey (poet), and archivist from the University of Exeter Special Collections Caroline Walter. Nicola Nuttall Director the Causley Trust guided the evening superbly and I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to all involved especially Nikky and Kate Debling and all their volunteers for a really enjoyable evening.

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